Do the Jericho Battle Plans Foreshadow the Tribulation Timeline?
Introducing the Jericho-Revelation Hypothesis
By Annette Bell|2022-12-27T15:53:43-05:00December 27th, 2022|Categories: End Times Prophecy|Tags: battle of jericho, Revelation, timeline, tribulation|12 Comments
How Long is the Tribulation?
A Study on Biblical Time in Prophecy
By Annette Bell|2022-11-21T23:07:11-05:00November 21st, 2022|Categories: End Times Prophecy|Tags: Daniel, end times prophecy, endurance, futurism, Revelation, Seventy Weeks, tribulation|12 Comments
How Soon Might Jesus Come Back?
A Study From a Prophecy in Hosea 5 and 6.
By Annette Bell|2022-12-09T20:08:13-05:00October 16th, 2020|Categories: End Times Prophecy|Tags: Hosea, Israel, Jesus coming, last generation, prophecy, timing, tribulation|18 Comments
The Timing of the Gathering
How I Became Convinced the Church Will Face the Entire Tribulation
By Annette Bell|2021-09-01T21:57:13-04:00November 7th, 2018|Categories: End Times Prophecy|Tags: berean, church, eschatology, futurism, harpazo, inerrancy, preterism, prophecy, rapture, resurrection, timing, tribulation, understanding, wrath|90 Comments