Psalm 10 – Psalms for the End Times, Episode 4

Psalm 10 is about how the wicked scheme against men and have no thought for the LORD. But ultimately, God will help the oppressed, reign as King, and remove the wicked from His land.

Psalm 9 – Psalms for the End Times, Episode 3

This psalm of David praises the LORD for upholding the cause of the afflicted and for His justice against the wicked. Ultimately, it looks to the return of Christ and His earthly reign.

Psalm 7 – Psalms for the End Times, Episode 2

Psalm 7, a psalm of David, begins with a cry for deliverance from his enemies, and eventually moves into a prophecy about the Lord's wrath against the wicked at His coming.

Psalm 6 – Psalms for Troubled Times, Episode 4

David was worn down because of his foes, but ultimately he trusted in the LORD. Also: An example from David's life of when God answered his Psalm 6:10 prayer exactly with respect to his enemies.

By |February 8th, 2021|Categories: Psalms, Psalms for Troubled Times|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Psalm 5 – Psalms for Troubled Times, Episode 3

"Lead me, O LORD, in Your righteousness because of my enemies--make straight Your way before me."

Psalm 2 – Psalms for the End Times, Episode 1

Psalm 2 is a Messianic psalm prophesying the rebellion of the rulers against the LORD and against His Anointed One (Messiah); the futility of their rebellion; and the Messiah's divinity, incarnation, and future earthly reign.